nick venedi

Saturday 25 April 2009

Vote in the NEC Elections! Your vote counts!

We must all ensure that we exercise the right to vote in the NEC elections and vote for people who we know have done a good job before, have something new to contribute or think are representative of our interests and aspirations.

I am deliberately asking people to consider voting for individuals rather than political slates (whatever that means..) I ask the following questions when I use my vote:

1. Is the candidate representative enough in the constituency where they are standing and does she or he bring with them knowledge, potential, charisma and the ability to say what I think and feel.

2. Is the candidate able to demonstrate that despite the fact the she or he has no previous experience is able to do the job and is none dogmatic in their approach.

So please make sure that the vote you have is used and make Dave Prentis happy! Please ring Unison Direct if you have not received the paperwork! Your vote counts!

My top favorite so far is of course Jon Rogers .

UNISON DIRECT 0845 355 0845 call them today if you haven't received a ballot paper!!


  1. Excellent post, Nick, but I'm not so sure I could go so far as saying Jon is undogmatic. I get the impression he's always opposed whoever is leading the Labour Party, but I'm happy to be corrected.

  2. Nick,
    There's a post on John Gray's blog about questions the United Left need to answer about their NEC candidates. Any chance you could offer them the space to reply on your blog?

  3. Phil at 19.18

    I am just about ready to go out so will let this one go. Am sure the UL will or have answered these and similar questions before. But in the interest of maintaining my nutrality here we are. I thik the majority of seats contested by the UL in London are by women? Or am I getting that wrong? A large proportion at least?

    Have a good weekend and don't drink (if ur into that) too much!

  4. Tricia at 17.19

    Thought you replaced Jeremy Kylie on Channel 5? Seriously Jon is an extremely hard working individual and despite his outbursts (inspirations as he calls them) he is the fountain of all knowledge, dedicated and hard working. He is very much an old Labour party member but his comitment cannot be questioned! There is no doubt in my mind that his reelection is a positive thing. Lets have a balance on the NEC Tricia and lets not just have one side telling us what to do? I am often challenged by people who disagree with me (I know its unthinkable) but I found those who question me constructively to be a huge asset they remind me who I am and why I am doing what I am doing. So yes Jon is hyperactive (thats why he looks 12) but is a good leader and a great NEC member! Bring him back I say!!
