nick venedi

Saturday 14 January 2012

British politicians and the markets

I am not sure that people realise the seriousness of what is currently going on with total control of the global economy going to the markets and credit rating agencies.

In the mean time we have useless politicians, I call it the idiotic generation of politicians, who are sitting on their back sides making declarations and making expense claims for Jacuzzis they never had, which more or less mean that they can't do anything about what the markets decide and therefore we must all lose our jobs, lose our pensions and suffer extreme poverty because those we elect democratically are in fact controlled by the markets and the speculators. Why don't they regulate these nasty people and take back control?

Every voter should make sure that when the next election comes any politician who is not prepared to bring back regulation should not be voted in. Hit the opportunist politicians where it hurts! Let democracy be in control not speculators!

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