nick venedi

Sunday 9 August 2009

Is Big Brother of any relevance?

Research conducted by myself last night when I was asleep shows conclusive prove that the way the British public feels about race hasn't changed very much. Big Brother 10 is on right now and despite the fact that the ratings are down by a massive percentage there ares still 2 million viewers watching what's going on and some of them (not me) bother to vote when evictions are on. If Big Brother teaches us something it is that people like to get involved with gossip and find criticising others that are on display interesting. That is why nonsense about the royal family or the Beckhams or Pete Andre's split with Jordan (who doesn't want to be known as Jordan) are still filling front pages of some toilet papers.
Anyway the only bit that I am interested in regarding BB is the way the 'inmates' have managed to nominate all the Black contestants from the 'show' and how the public has obliged by voting them all out. This is a worrying trend and if C4 viewers are representative of the British public then we should worry about the fact that we haven't progressed as far as we want to in the race relations field. Am I right?


  1. And of course Alan Sugar got rid of al the Asian and Black candidates first in the apprentice series. You might be right Nick.


  2. You should be reading books instead of watching rubbish.


  3. Anon at 16.17

    Yes I noticed the same with the Alan Sugar apprentice programme I suppose you can't change peoples attitude. Was it a coincidence that one after another of the ethnic candidates were removed? Maybe the programme makers were not aware of this?......

  4. Anon 2036

    Some books are full of rubbish.
