nick venedi

Monday 4 May 2009

Hazel Blears and collective responsibility

Foreign Minister of Greece Dora Bakoyanni (the one on the right) to be brought over to help Gordon Brown to discipline the Neo rebels of his cabinet. Hazel Blears beware...

(and I know she is in the wrong party and not a PASOK member but she is tough!! so how about we exchange Dora for the Parthenon Marbles?)

Its been a busy weekend and I haven't been able to get on here but the one thing that has annoyed me is Hazel Blears calculated outburst which was designed to increase her popularity at the expense of her obligations under the doctrine of collective responsibility. I am reminded that Ministers who are after all MP's will take the risk of injecting some popularity into their political veins in the hope of increasing their own popularity amongst their constituents by distancing themselves from decisions and policies that they are, after all, responsible for. This is done in the hope that at the very least they can survive and rescue their own seat. Either that or she really had a bad day and let it all out (something for which I am also known to do in my own Branch)

I think that if Hazel knew what she was doing then she was completely wrong and should be removed at the next cabinet musical chairs show (which will of course ensure she is reelected as an MP) but she should not be allowed to be in a cabinet she disagrees with and if she does she should resign.

We are all uncomfortable with being put on the right hand lane of the Labour party motorway but there is no alternative to having a Labour government. A Labour victory at the next election is essential otherwise we will be returning back to the dark days of Thatcharite dogma and be controlled by Tory boy and the rest of that anti trade union shower.

Get some discipline back into the Labour party! Get Neil Kinock back I say and give him the job of Chief Whip and whip them all into shape like Dora Bakoyanni did with the ND party in Greece (she is the foreign Minister there and a possible future PM) There is a time and place to express controversial opinions but discipline is paramount before a bloody election for God's sake (no I haven't been drinking!)

Nosotros Estamos Preparados!!


  1. Nick
    Bring back Simitis I say. He would have been better than Baroso!

  2. isn't that exactly what you are currently doing - trying to make allies with certain undesirables and stepping back from what you now consider extremists but were once your comrades...

  3. Anon at 16.48

    I would take you more seriously if you told us who you are?

    I am not fighting for my seat so no am not doing something similar;

    2. What new allies am I trying to find? Why would I need allies I assume you mean on the regional level? Irrelevant as I am nt standing for anything??

    3. I am not sure where it is that I said I consider anyone to be an extrimist? Your words not mine (is that what you are?)

    4. My comrades were, are and will remain to be those who are true trade union activists.

    Oh well I have given you more than 3 paras that's more than enough.

    Thanks for your contribution though.

  4. Hi Nick

    You are better off not publishing stupid comments mate. You have always been clear about your affilitation to the Lambeth Labour party and your friends (comrades) are also active members of the same party and as critical of Labour as you are. You are right to state that there are no changes in your approach. What new allies is this person talking about? You are Labour mate!

