nick venedi

Thursday 9 February 2012

London Unison AGM matters

Few strange things yesterday at the London region AGM one to do with the decision not to decrease the quorum for regional Council meetings.

Those in favor of the change explained that reducing it from 33% to 25% would not be less democratic it would just reflect the difficulties delegates face traveling to central London and would help the region run its affairs. But the forces of no change voted against this idea which would, in my opinion, help the region have a life in between AGM's?

It is ridiculous that the region can only manage a meeting once a year. Scotland apparently manages to get 4 meetings even though delegates have to travel huge amount of distances. The vote was 76 to 71 in favor of the change but the rule would need a two thirds majority and of course the maths did not add up. The other reason it didn't happen is to do with the otherwise splendid Jon of the Rogers bringing humour into this debate and making childish jokes when supporting the motion. This was not the right time or the right place Jon! It didn't help!

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