nick venedi

Sunday 5 February 2012

Foie gras

The production of foie gras is a horrific process. Have you heard? It requires force-feeding male ducks to enlarge their livers up to 10 times their normal size.

Call on the European Union to ban the production of foie gras - the cruelty of this practice has no place in civilized society. »

These ducks are force-fed over the course of 15 years with pipes rammed down their necks, which sometimes puncture their esophagus. Many die choking to death on their own blood or vomit.

Producers of foie gras keep their ducks crammed together in filthy conditions, where they can hardly move, let alone stretch their wings or swim.

Are the minutes spent enjoying foie gras worth the years of suffering the ducks have to endure? This grotesque mistreatment must be stopped. Sign the petition to ban foie gras production in Europe. »

Ban the production of foie gras in Europe!

Take action link:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing my petition!
    Lets hope we can get this banned, thanks again!
