nick venedi

Saturday 1 May 2010

Final good bye

A big thanks to those who attended my leaving do last night at Lambeth Town Hall. It was great to see friends that I worked with for so many years. Would also like to thank Juliet who went to so much trouble to organise the event and for doing such good detective work to locate and bring back Alison who I was very close with for so many years! That was a big surprise! Thanks Juliet. Thanks also to the customary speech makers like Jon, Tim O Dell, Chester Danvers, Khi Rafe, Peter, Peter Milsom and Marsha, everything they said was true and I can confirm that I had nothing to do with the collapse of the Greek economy!
Ed took a lot of photos and I will be publishing some of them as a reminder. This was indeed the final chapter in my Lambeth book. I had 22 years and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to work with some great people who will always remain friends.

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