nick venedi

Monday 24 May 2010

Discrimination for those over 40

I have been involved with some voluntary work since I left the world of Lambeth supporting people that I know through friends of friends with problems and difficulties. One of the things I have discovered is how employers discriminate against those who are over 40. I would say that if you are 40 and look reasonably fit and manage to get an interview with a prospective employer and you have the skills then you have a chance of getting the job. The prospect of getting employed goes down after 45 and virtually disappears after the age of 50. It is very well for government to be telling everyone that we have to work until we are 79 or was it 89? but how do these people get jobs and how do we ensure as a society that discrimination is eradicated? I have dealt with an Asian friend of a friend who is very well qualified is an expert in his field of work but is 47 was made redundant and has found it impossible to get a job. The law is there to be looked at and admired but it has become impossible for this lovely man to get a job for a whole year. The stories we all hear that people can apply for 100s of jobs and get no where are absolutely true! This is not right and more needs to be done by all of us including TUs to ensure that recruitment is based on skills and not age!
In fact if you are over 40 and you have experienced problems with recruitment and you need advise on how to deal with this then contact me and I might be able to help. I will not publish your comment and will get in touch with you and see if I can help.

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