nick venedi

Saturday 29 May 2010

Eurovision song contest ...

Its that time of year again when anyone who is anybody is desperately trying to tell everyone that they do not watch the Eurovision song contest (well song fiasco more likely) I on the other hand are getting together with my mates and watching it before we go out for a drink or 6.
For me the annual fiasco is interesting as more than half of my mates are from Europe so my Dutch, French, Italian Portuguese and Spanish mates will be supporting our respective states of origin (not countries as we are in a European federation now with states) I shall be cheering on Greece and Britain and will be annoyed if the Greek jury do not award Britain and Spain good marks! I think the United Left are also supporting Greece this year as they liked the way the Greeks demonstrate. The Greek press on the other hand are hoping that Greece does not win as there isn't enough pesetas to pay for organising it next year!


  1. Can I ask anyone who supports the cultural identies of individual nations in the Eurovision Song Contest to vote here

    The rules should also be changed to enable the introduction of the international language Esperanto.

  2. Thanks Brian and I am sure Esperantians everywhere will give future British entries more votes than others did last night. Good idea!
