nick venedi

Monday 29 March 2010

Getting there...

Well getting near the end now. My days with the land of Lambeth are coming to an end. I leave behind a fantastic and vibrant branch full of life with friends and people that I am connected with, but looking forward to a new life as well and new adventures, new projects and new challenges for for me it is the start of something new. Will miss everyone who has worked with me but will also keep in touch with the vast majority of those I share values with. The branch is as strong as its members and the members must be encouraged to get more involved and be better informed and kept away from 'political speculators' and those who want to embark on unrealistic adventures on 'no where avenue' servicing the needs of minor no hope political groups. I know the Executive will unite behind Jon who is a genuine Trade Unionist fighting constantly to protect the interest of the members. He needs support.

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