nick venedi

Monday 14 December 2009

Independent thinking...

Some of you would have seen the comments made by 2 anon people on the Jon Rogers blog. These comments refer to my criticism, as they put it, of Jon. I have of course replied, even though I don't really think anon comments deserve a response, stating that I do not consider what they say seriously. On the other hand there are two fundamental things to say. One is that the anon people who write the stuff could in fact be those who wish to create an argument and two anyone who does not wish to reveal who they are does not deserve attention as they do not, after al, exist? In other words if they are not brave enough to put their name to what they say they are cowards and they are obviously afraid of what others (or me) say about their inability to understand the real world?
Focusing briefly on what they said I would respond by saying that the comments I make about Jon are almost always a joke and the relationship between myself and Jon of the Rogers is a very good and constructive one and if he had a problem he would have told me a long time ago (and sometimes he does) Of course the criticism the anon and non existing people make of me re taking the side of the right wing as they put it, is total non sense. This assertion assumes that there is, to start with, a right wing in the region (and of course there must be) but the people they identify as being on the right are simply people who don't agree with the mixed up politics of what some on the ultra left have. They are not on the right they just disagree with what some on the ultra left think? Most of the so called right are members of the Labour party? So this is simply childish. In fact I distinctly remember violent disagreements within the united UL camp on many occassions so how do they explain this? Don't start me...
I would state again that what I say on my blog is a matter for me and there is no need for any of them to read it. The best ever joke came from one comrade who a few weeks before told me that he never read my blog then a few weeks later complained about something I said. My blog is a personal diary with entries that are read by friends and others and it is an alternative to face book bollony. That is a matter for me to decide.
The non existing person who criticised me says that I am politically untrustworthy what he or she means is I have deviated from dogma and don't agree with their politics (do they really have any politics??) They don't want to understand that at least 35% to 40% of those in the region are free thinkers and they exercise the right to think freely without having to abide by virtual reality discipline? Anyway this is what these anon critics have to say and this is why they will always be far behind when it comes to winning major elections. I will remind the anon critics that after Geoff Martin I have been the longest serving elected lay officer in the region having served a 5 year term as Finance Convenor. They are so politically trustworthy they never won anything! Hoping that whoever the anon pearson was she or he grows up! There is more I can say but I will leave it there...


  1. Stop being so personal my hellenic god XX

  2. The reality is, for those of us who are active in Lambeth,Jon and Nick bring different skills and talents to a vibrant branch. We make our own decisions and we don't need outsiders to tell us who does what. The branch would not vote Nick and Jon in if they didn't like what they were offering and the combination of the two brings positive results.

  3. Anon at 14.52

    Thanks for your comment. And yes it is a matter for the Branch to decide and we all know that my Branch is full of strong minded individuals. Cheers

  4. Hello anon (J.Y) at 11.11

    How did you manage to make an entry at 11.11, what a show off you are!! lol x

  5. You have to take criticism and accept it when you are wrong. Your own blog states that you are a Euro Federalist and from what I can see (and I read your blog as I find it amusing) you are on the right. God knows why the united left openly supported you but then they are as politically consistent as you are on the left, if that makes sense.

  6. Anon 14.39

    I would take you more seriously if I knew who you were?
