nick venedi

Thursday 1 October 2009

In defence of Labour..

Well looks like I am making myself more unpopular in my branch by defending Labour publicly again. All I have to ask is whether those who criticise can in all honesty say that a Tory government will be any better for us? What will happen to the Minimum Wage regulations and would we see the return of anti Trade Union laws? I accept that the image isn't right and that Labour should go back to the left (and get rid of the Miliband association) but that aside there is no real alternative, or is there?


  1. There is nothing to defend mate. Labour is history


  2. The difficulty with those of you who are active in Unison but also members of the Labour party is that you are giving out the wrong messages to ordinary members.


  3. There is a lot to defend Frank and much more to lose if Tory boy comes in. Think about it?

  4. Hello Selwyn

    There are no difficulties and no one is confused. We are simply in a difficult situation. There is a choice of two sides and Labour is the only 'viable' option and unless the revolution produces a clearer alternative (which I can't see happening do you?) then Labour remains the only party for those of us with a brain?
    Cheers gov

  5. Hi Nick
    This will not make you unpopular with your branch since the majority of your members will vote Labour next year – nationally and locally. Apart from one or two malcontents I am sure that they will all be very pleased with your public support of the Party. Well done!

  6. John, you could be right. I am talking to members on the ground on my many walk aboutss (I believe in the outreach approach) and a lot of them are now saying that there is no alternative to Labour. Labour needs to do a lot more to improve though.
