nick venedi

Friday 23 October 2009

The BNP performance

Was the BBC right to allow the BNP to appear on the question time programme last night? Well most of the people I know watched QT and said more or less the same thing. That the BNP man showed his true colours. First it was obvious that Nick Griffith was enjoying the exposure (for the wrong reasons) and second some of the panel members were not as good as I would have expected them to be. But it was no surprise to me that the audience participation and the way they questioned the Nazi philosophy won the night. The BNP are a party of hate with an ideology based on race and stupid notions of racial purity something that does not exist anywhere. In fact most successful societies were build on diversity. There were 120 languages spoken in Rome and more than that in Constantinople in other words areas where there is economic success attract different people and this helps rather than hinder. Any economist will verify this. On the other hand Nick Griffiths idea of purity can't go very far if we take into account the fact that the Roman legions were here in England for more than 300 years and they obviously contributed to the genetic make up of the 'indigenous' population. The Romans were people from all over the Roman empire and whilst they were here they did not stay home at night and knit jumpers!! We are all a mixture of different things and that is a good thing something that makes us stronger and not weaker.

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