nick venedi

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Capitalism strikes again...

Well not that any of us had any doubts but capitalism has again shown how unsympathetic it can be to ordinary people. The system first allowed bankers (is there a w missing in that last word) to ensure that we get a financial crisis, we were then made to pay for the huge mistakes the bankers made and now British Airways is imposing a two year pay freeze to ensure that their share holders profits do not go down. Then we have Richard Branson going on about why we should all help the economy by not asking for much. Why didn't these same people put as much energy into opposing the system that removed any regulation from lending vast amounts of money to people who will now be in debt for the rest of their lives? The media (controlled by the capitalists) have made sure that the attention was swiftly moved away from what the bankers did and onto how we must all make sacrifices to manage the economic situation created by them. In the meantime we get adverts on telly telling us how benefit cheats will be prosecuted and won't get away with it? Does that include MP's??

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