nick venedi

Thursday 28 June 2018

Lambeth diaries

I arrived in Lambeth as a Finance Officer (accountant) on SO2 grade. My first office was at Olive Morris House. Nice enough building. Immediately felt at home. I had 5 other officers to manage which would keep me busy, 3 more than I supervised when in the Civil Service.

My manager, Jim seemed nice (we later developed a great friendship) He was wondering why my interview was conducted by two Directors, Peter Gould and Dev Ponoosami. Well I had no idea why but I did well and was given the job. I could see that the challenge would be enormous. This is because at the time Lambeth Council was under attack by the Tory government ( Thatcher and co) but I wasn't scared and was glad to get away from the idiotic habits of the civil service and the old brigade there who were in control. This is what a 25 year old would have thought I guess irrespective of whether it was true or not. So the fun and games started!

Nick Venedi

nick venedi

nick venedi

nick venedi

nick venedi

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