nick venedi

Saturday 11 May 2013

Cyprus there is no fair solution

The Republic of Cyprus was invaded by Turkey in 1974. There has been little to no progress in finding a solution to the division of the island in 38 years. The Turkish military declared an independent state in the occupied north that no one recognises. Their argument has been that there should be two different countries. No one in the world has accepted this but the Turkish government is now going further and demanding a share of the oil reserves found in the south of Cyprus? You would think that if they wanted a seperate state in the north they would accept that they could not have a claim on anything on the parts they did not occupy by force? But this of course shows us that military power determines who is right and who wins. It is unbelivable that a nation with 82 million population has invaded a small country with less than one because they felt under threat?

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