nick venedi

Thursday 17 January 2013

Future that Works rally


A pre-Budget rally is to be held in Westminster on Wednesday 13 March, as part of a wider ETUC Day of Action across Europe against austerity.
The event will take place at The Emanuel Centre, Marsham St, and is intended to be an after-work rally, running from late afternoon to early evening. More information will be circulated to unions in due course.

Rising City profits hit wages

Spiralling financial profits have reduced workers' wages and squeezed profits across the rest of the economy, according to a TUC report published in December.
The TUC Touchstone Extra study - Where have all the wages gone? - examines why salaries have been falling for the last 30 years, where the money has gone and what this means for the economy.
Over the past three decades, the share of national income going to wages has fallen from 59 to 53 per cent, while the proportion of GDP going to profits has risen from 25 to 29 per cent. Combined with growing pay inequality, this has left workers on median incomes £7,000 worse off per year.
Summary information @

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