nick venedi

Tuesday 14 August 2012

LGPS Ballot

Most members would have received their ballot papers by now and they are being asked to vote as to whether they accept the changes to the scheme. National position is to recommend a Yes vote. They justify this by explaining that 90% of members will be benefiting or at least not losing out.

There are also a few on the other side of the argument suggesting that a No vote would force the government to do a u turn. This is probably because they feel that there is still a lot to be achieved through taking Industrial Action.

We have, so far, walked through the centre of London once or twice in the last two years to show our displeasure. I think that those who vote No should consider whether Unison nationally are able to organise effective action strong enough to make the government come back with more concessions?

The members will I am sure make the right decision.

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