nick venedi

Sunday 26 August 2012

Harry and his ginger bush..

There are enough serious incidents in the world to concern those of us with more than two brain cells available for use not to give a fig as to whether the Queens grandson, Harry, is parading his ginger bush around.

I am not too keen on having an unequal society to be honest and do not recognise titles as they are the symbol of inequality but what Harry and his mates do in their own private time is no business of anyone else? The entire incident shows us how the media can manipulate the unsuspecting population. Are we all so bored as to want to know what this below average looking guy gets up to?? Put him in a flat in a high rise block in Peckham and make him do some voluntary work I say.

1 comment:

  1. Well said old chap! With you on this one
