nick venedi

Saturday 25 August 2012

Its not just about the euro...

Speculation has been around for months now as to whether Greece and then possibly Portugal would be forced to leave the euro.

But looking at the impact the economic crisis is having on the euro zone on its own is too simplistic. Its not just about the economics of the currency related issues that are of concern.

The real problem with a country with a significant geo strategic position like Greece would be the impact an exit from the euro would have on the stability of the region and the subsequent consequences.

Would, for example, a new crisis allow for a government of the extreme left and would that then lead to more anti Western adventures? A Syriza government will definitely challenge NATO and the EU so Merkel and co will have allowed their man on the ground, Samaras, to depart and replace him with the hostile Alexis Tsipras. I don't think the Germans will take that risk and big daddy in Washington will not be happy at all. So I can't see a Greek exit from the euro and if this was to happen then Italy will be next and not Portugal or Spain. That would be the final nail to the euro coffin..

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