nick venedi

Sunday 9 October 2011

Euro zone and Fiscal Union

It is inevitable and in some quarters diserable that the 17 states within the Euro zone would move to fiscal union. It will mean that all matters to do with budgets, raising revenue and spending it will be done centrally. This will of course accelerate the real objective of the EU and it will create a real Federal Europe with countries like Britain having a customs relationship with federal Europe. I am hopeful that a United Socialist Europe will be a positive influence in the world.

I said it before and I will repeat this again I have always been in favor of a united Europe and have explained the reasons why. Many on the continent are more concerned about security issues and avoiding conflict and that was indeed the real reason behind starting project Europe in 1956 (Treaty of Rome 25 March 56) Britain is of course in a different place and will always be. I think its all to do with mentality and those who live in Europe will always remember the huge destruction created by the two world wars in the last century. Conflict between states is still happening today and a United Europe will have some control over this.

I know and understand that Britain is more comfortable under the shadow of the US ( a diminishing world power) and that is again part to do with the special relationship between the two countries but those who live in states like France Germany Belgium, Greece Italy would tell you that the fear of invasion is part of their phychology. That is why European Union on the continent is the ultimate goal for these countries. The current economic problems and the Euro zone crisis are just temporary.

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