nick venedi

Saturday 13 August 2011

When will it all end and where is unity?

Not sure when senior Unison leaders spoke of unity before they meant the Unity who lives down the road from me? She is always down the pub but doesn't strike me as being very interested in the theory of revolution? Or the revolutionary origins of theory??

So am wondering, as are others, whether the statement made by Dave of the Prentis at conference (i think it was there) that there are no enemies in this hall applies to all activists.

Now I know that the hard left and the left of the hard left twice removed don't always agree with one another and I am aware that the right of the centre towards the left of the centre right will always wonder what the origin of life is but isn't this the time for us to actually forget about the Unity that lives down the road from me and concentrate on building a common front to fight the bloody Tories? Call me old fashioned but I think I am right!!

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