nick venedi

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Dirty sexy things, E4

Now I have to admit that when am home (usually Monday nights) I relax by watching soaps and whatever reality show there is on.

I got into trouble a few times when I wrote about my observations on some of these 'shows' and I had a succession of nasty comments when I was commenting on the X Factor about a year ago. I am glad that people I don't know or ever will take an interest in what I think, suppose that my mother is right when she says it is better to be talked about than be ignored? Or was it Oscar Wilde? Who cares..

Anyways this reality show programme is about some photographer called Perou or Venezuela (can't remember) he puts together a group of 8 'models' so that he can save the world by taking their pictures and putting them in his exhibition. And of course there is nothing wrong with that at all.

My only observation is that the 'models' look extremely ordinary and I would go as far as to say that at least half of my friends are better looking then they are. But then of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or is it in the eye of the possessor?

Anyway these 8 people go around bitching about each other and sticking fish on their heads so that the photographs look better? They clearly dislike each other and of course that is because they are competing with one another. The absolutely worst thing about the show is that they refer to themselves as 'the models' with irritating remarks like '.. oh my God what happens when you put 8 models together..' blah blah blah

My advise is to keep it real and make themselves more likable by not actually believing their own fantasy? The programme shows that a model is someone who is willing to put up with a lot of shit and treated like pooh and it also proves that you don't have to look super cool (whatever that means) to get there! I would say, however, that on the whole the programme is entertaining and it should not be taken seriously!

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