nick venedi

Sunday 10 July 2011

Victims of domestic abuse

It is still the case that most murder victims are killed by someone they know and more often than not by someone who lives with them or they know quite well. That has not changed.

But very little is done to help women who are often the victims of violent and abusive husbands or boyfriends. The police will rarely act when given information and they will more often than not wait until some major incident takes place. This is, more often than not, very late.

It would appear that even though we have matured and have moved on in many ways as a society our sophistication has not changed attitudes towards women in abusive relationships and I think much more needs to be done to change that balance.


  1. Helo

    the problems is that women are fear of what people in there comunity will say and do to them if they report. i live in haringey where am always with people from comunity and women who report get a hard time you have to know this?

  2. I agree with your comments and I know for a fact with some work that I have done with some communities in north london how difficult it is to get women to report incidents mainly because they are so scared about what will be said about them by their members of their own community.
