nick venedi

Friday 15 July 2011

Domestic abuse and violence is up

Not clear as to whether the rise in the figures re domestic violence and abuse are up by 35% because of wider reporting or because our society is becoming more violent.

The majority of those who suffer are women in abusive relationships. I know for a fact of few women in north London who have had problems with their partners and have been reluctant and in some instances terrified to report incidents. This is of course not the right thing to do but you can understand the difficulties these women have when they will in some instances have to face criticism from those withing their own communities. Many community leaders refuse to admit there is a problem but this is not the case at all and we all know it. More should be done to help and support those in need and cutting down budgets that finance certain schemes is completely unacceptable.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that we should do more, our government and leaders should take necessary measures to lessen this rampant domestic violence. More importantly, we should encourage the victims to be strong to be able to seek justice for themselves.
