nick venedi

Saturday 8 September 2012

Syriza looking for Argentina!!

General outcry in the Greek press today over remarks made by Syriza party leader Alexis Tsipras who wishes that Greece could become another Argentina.

Argentina went bankrupt and through a major depression that lasted for more than 15 years with people starving on the streets of major cities. What Argentina also had that Greece has not is huge natural resources so they were able to eventually export and achieve full recovery.

The remarks made by Tsipras and his 'flash in the pants' party are irresponsible but they expose the reality behind a movement that came out of nowhere. They concentrate on making statements on what could appeal to the general public but do not come up with empirical evidence on how their fantasy scenarios can be implemented. My argument against them is that if they were so good then the other more established parties on the real left would have had no problem forming a coalition government with them? Instead they don't want anything to do with them!!

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