nick venedi

Saturday 15 September 2012

Harry and the The PR machine

Most of us are not at all interested in whether Harry parades his bush in public or not and most do not want to know about how Kate Middle class relaxes when she is with her husband. The press must respect every ones privacy.

The most intersting part of the two episodes for me however is how the PR machinery have quickly moved to shift the emphasis from Harry's fun night out to how important it is for the us to have him fighting in Afghanistan? I would want to know who is paying for managing this media story and I am hoping its not the public? If the UK insists in having a monarchy (and I think the majority of people want that) then they should become cost effective. There is no need to have so many of them being paid lots of money to open supermarkets and going around dishing out titles? A streamlined monarchy, if we must have one, should be the aim as should be the abolition of titles that are so incompatible with Equality principles. Why do we have to live in total fantasy and complete denial?? Revise and streamline I say!

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