nick venedi

Friday 9 July 2010

Why must the Euro project work?

I am often asked by the thousands who never read my blog, like Doris and Sid Rogerite blogger, why I insist on supporting the Euro project? In fact I am often reminded that I could be in a minority position. There was a time when even the Greeks and the Spanish were enthusiastic followers of 'Euro Armani' but I noticed lately that there are whispers in the corridors of Neo Parthenon about that and questions as to how valid the Euro project is? There are even suggestions on resurecting the Peseta or the drachma apparently both countries will be saved if they could devalue their own currencies! Yes is the answer in the short term but a def no in the long terms it will simply amplify a major disaster and the debt will be there for ever.
My position on this new phenomenon is that people are being short sighted and they need to see beyond what is in front of them. The Federalist idea is based on the need for us Europeans to stop fighting each other so the question around security is more fundamental than any other subsidiary considerations.
There are of course the usual little Englanders or those who think that Streatham is better off without the Euro but the fact remains that if we do not come together in a union the alternative is to end up doing what we have been doing for centuries which each invade each other. So we could be back following the footsteps of our ancestors and commence bombing each other. That isn't a good idea and if the Americans managed to keep a union together since 1866 then so can we.
My position is clear. We must not be asking whether Federalism is a possibility instead we must be making our governments do more genuine work to ensure that a real union of states takes place. So no more double dealing by British governments who are instinctively anti Europe. More needs to be done to make sure it bloody works because the alternative is to go back to having the Luftvaha (don't know how to spell that) revisiting her Britannic majesty's shores....

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