nick venedi

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Lambeth diaries

The first entry I made re my experience and times with Lambeth NALGO/UNISON was around 2011. I started with the service plan and the Linda Bellos years. For me Linda was greatly misunderstood and had great leadership qualities. But the system swallowed her up. I arrived in April 1988 and left in April 2010 so my experience is huge and varied. I stopped writing the diaries, however, when I realised that I knew a lot and for the diary to be complete I would have to mention names of those who may not want the publicity. I met many good and honorable people. I am still considering whether I should restart the entries.. time will tell.  One thing I would say is that the people of Lambeth make the area beautiful and unique. I am honoured to have spend so many years serving its people and the TU movement there.

Nick Venedi

Corona virus, could we have stopped its spread?

A pandemic was predicted many times. The last serious one was in 1918 after the first world war. Nature will always produce these situations it is the way the natural order is. The Spanish flu burnt itself out at the end and after a period of 2 years but it killed more than 50 million. Today we have the know how and the science to be able to regulate some aspects of the spread. The immediate concern must be to find a way to reduce the impact the disease is having on people. Those who are older are in greater danger. Lets just hope that a medicine can be found to make it less deadly. The vaccine will be a form of a solution but the virus will mutate so the human race will have to get used to getting vaccinated against new strains. Astonishing how we spend trillions on weapons killing each other but have not been able to control deadly viruses. Shame on our so called leaders!!

Nick Venedi

Back again?

Have not been able or willing to do this blog for a long time. Will try and get motivated and start it again. The world is so much different since my last entry. The coronavirus pandemic is dominating every ones life. We are now in month 6 from when the panic started. Lets just hope it is all controlled.

Nick Venedi