nick venedi

Thursday 4 February 2010

Another defeat?

Well got to say I was disappointed yesterday at regional Council the region had the chance to elect a new team but the members decided otherwise. That is the nature of democracy. Glad to see that my predecessor, John of the Gray, has been polishing his accounting skills up and wanted to question whether 115 votes against 97 was more than two thirds? Sorry John I just had to publish that! But hey on the other hand he was out there chatting to delegates before the election and getting them to vote his way so in a way he is, I suppose, good at that! I am still happy that I only lost by 3 votes against him years ago (sour grapes of course..)
Good to see some comrades that I haven't seen for a long time there. John from Barnet, for example, lost some weight and looks fighting fit and Marsha Jane was looking her best. Jon of the Rogers made a good speech, Andrew Berry for spotting the Finance Convenors obsession with detail and questioning it.. and the LGBT team did well with Alan presenting a motion.
Anyway maybe the not so united left will learn a lesson now? Or is it the left of the left to the left? Congratulations to the winners of course....


  1. Maybe now you'll accept there isn't this 20/30% floating vote around the sogs!
    If there was Margaret who chairs black members cttee wouldn't have got much less votes than clear unison united left candidates did over the last few years!

    Clearly uul didn't bother organiing much in the london region thi year - have they given up?

    Must try harder!

  2. Hello Rosa (not from Luxemburg?)

    You are right about the uul not organising. I think there was a distinct luck of enthusiasm or it could be that the emphasis is now on influencing key committees? Why take up a position which is effectively a non position when you can influence the way the region functions via its main bodies? So being the president of the EU for example may not be as attractive as being able to manage the key committees of the EU (An analogy of course..) so yes there is in my opinion a change in approach...

  3. Those making comments on your blog ignore the influence the regional office has on delegates. It is a well known fact that the 'officers' spend time lobbying delegates who are more or less told what to vote for.

  4. @Anonymous 10:57

    Yes, those dull-witted members, eh? Get a ring through their noses and you can lead them anywhere. If only they would awake from the Somatised obediency that the full-timers have induced in them. Then they could save the extreme left!

    You twat.

  5. Anon on 5 Feb 7.37

    Yes people have expressed concern over this but I think the people you refer to as the otherside sometimes mobilise from September and not a week before the AGM? I dont vote for them but they are well organised... know what I mean

  6. Anon on the 9th at 14.10

    The time you post the comment shows that you must be at work? Or are you off today? Not sure you aimed your comment at me or the guy who comented on the 5th? A bit confused... how about telling us who you are?
