nick venedi

Monday, 16 March 2009

Regional Council and the UL

There was some confusion around what I said about the Regional Council elections scheduled to take place on the 19th of March and as usual I was misquoted or comments I made were taken outside context and used for other reasons. This is, of course, to be expected. I also got some messages by email, text or comments appeared in other blogs. I will not publicly answer any of those. Any one wishing to say anything should do so on here.
I will be attending Regional Council on the 19th as a Lambeth Unison delegate and my mandate is to vote for the UL candidates. That is my role and my mission so there is no point endorsing anyone else as I am not into playing double games. I am voting for the UL.
My criticism of the UL does not mean that I will not be voting or supporting them but I am hoping that they take on board what I did say and do something to change the image they have. They need to forget how they see themselves and concentrate on how they are perceived. Either they do that or they remain in opposition for a long time.
But in general terms I am sure this is the time for change and I will be watching very closely how the UL conduct themselves on Thursday.
Good luck to all who are standing and a big thanks to all the Unison staff who always work hard to make the AGM happen I hope someone thanks them publicly?

Best wishes to all

Nick Venedi

1 comment:

  1. So let me get this right Nick, you don't think the united peoples left is up to the job but you will support them anyway? Isn't that wrong? I know you to be an independent spirit why don't you make a statement telling us all what they are like?

    A voice from the past.......
